We Make Greek Peaches Into Frozen Dreams
IQF Peach
We Make Greek Cherries Into Frozen Dreams
IQF Cherry
We Make Greek Peaches also into Aseptic Dices & Puree
Aseptic Dice
We Make Greek Apples also into Aseptic Puree
Aseptic Apple Puree

Frumenta S.A. operates one of the largest productive units of frozen fruits (Peach and Cherry) and aseptic products (Puree & Dices).

Frumenta S.A. factory is seasonal and has a production period which covers  the summer months (June – July – August – September) of each year. It operates right in the middle of the Pella area where the harvest of fresh Peaches, Cherries & Apples takes place. During this short period, the company cover its customers’ needs for 12 months. Frumenta’s innovation is that it can manage to produce simultaneously three products in high quality and in significant quantities:

  • IQF Individually Quick Frozen Peaches & Cherries,

  • Aseptic Peach Dices 

  • Aseptic Peach & Apple Puree, single strength or concentrated.